The Cast of Dreamland

The Dream Dragon
The Dream Dragon was the first dragon born in Dreamland. As such, the King of Dreamland requested that he be the dragon to protect Dreamland castle and the main realm of Dreamland, which he gladly accepted! The complete story of how the Dream Dragon became the Guardian of Dreamland is available here.

The King of Dreamland
The King of Dreamland was the very first Dream Maker and is the husband of the Queen. They have ruled over Dreamland for tens of thousands of years. The King is kindhearted and adores all children. His main job these days is teaching new Dream Makers and Dream Fairies how to make good dreams with the Queen and keeping a watchful eye over the Princess.

The Queen of Dreamland
The Queen of Dreamland was the very first Dream Fairy and is the wife of the King. They have ruled over Dreamland for tens of thousands of years. The Queen is kind and understanding and always willing to lend a hand or offer helpful advice. She and the King hold Dream Seminars to teach new Dream Makers and Dream Fairies how to make good dreams.

Princess Penelope
While she may appear prim and proper, the Princess is actually a bit of a rebel, like wearing high-top shoes in her gown. Because the King is over protective, she seldom gets out of the castle, so she has a lot of pent up energy and excitement when she gets to be around others. She thinks about sneaking out every now and then, but doesn’t act on it and when around the royal family she conforms to her role. She is very caring and is always eager to help.

Sparks is Princess Penelope’s sidekick and best friend. The Princess found his egg and has raised him since he hatched. Contrary to his appearance, Sparks is not a baby dragon, he is full grown, but he has a secret, one that he doesn't even know! He speaks, but only the Princess and the Dream Dragon are able to understand what he says. Sparks has allergies and sneezes often and when he does he sometimes accidentally breathes fire.

Leopold is a former Dream Maker and now his title is the Advisor to the King, but he is basically a personal assistant. He is a "by the book" type of individual and insists on following royal protocol for everything that happens in the castle. He is a little formal at times, but deep down inside he just wants everyone to be happy and everything to go smoothly.

Pierre Le' Cook
Pierre Le' Cook is the head Chef of Dreamland. Pierre was originally an accomplished Dream Maker but he found that most of his dreams were food related, so he followed his passion for food and became the Chef of Dreamland castle. Pierre has a very thick French accent, even though he is not French. He just thinks it is fitting for his job.

Dream Fairies
The Dream Fairies are the makers of dreams for girls. Until the Dream Dragons showed up in Dreamland, it was the Dream Fairies and Dream Makers who would protect good dreams from the King of Nightmares. There are thousands and thousands of Dream Fairies and while they mostly look similar, the biggest differences are their unique personalities.

Dream Makers
The Dream Makers are the makers of dreams for boys. Until the Dream Dragons showed up in Dreamland, it was the Dream Makers and Dream Fairies who would protect good dreams from the King of Nightmares. There are thousands and thousands of Dream Makers and while they mostly look similar, the biggest differences are their unique personalities.

Farmer Ted
Farmer Ted is the Head Agricultural Engineer of Dreamland. He was originally a Dream Maker, but most of the dreams he made were about farming, so the King assigned him to oversee all of the candy crops in Dreamland. He is a happy and inviting fellow, always glad to welcome dreamers who love candy or farming.

Diggsbee Digglesworth
Diggsbee Digglesworth is the foreman and head miner of the Dream Crystal Mines at the base of the Mystical Mountains. He was originally a Dream Maker, but he loved to dig so much, that all of the dreams he made involved digging, so he was reassigned to the Dream Crystal mines. His claim to fame is being the one who found the giant Dream Crystal, which powers most of Dreamland and now resides in a vault in Dreamland Castle.